Optimize your Computer Defragmenting and Cleaning Hard Disk

Optimize your Computer Defragmenting and Cleaning Hard Disk

A major annoyance for computer users is a drastic slowdown. This is especially true for those who frequently install and uninstall programs. This post will discuss some very useful tools. You can use them to optimize your defragment to clean hard disk up a “slow” computer.

The basic tools to improve a Windows PC’s hard disk are:

1. disk cleaning

2. uninstalling unused programs

3. defragmenting the disk

4. optimizing the AutoStart menu.

It has been written on all these topics. So, we summarize them. We also summarize which programs to use and how to use them. We explain how to check if the computer runs better and if the hard disk is optimized.

To prove these tools can boost hard disk performance, we need a clear reference point. We must know the current situation.

I reviewed the best benchmark programs to test a computer’s power. I chose NovaBench. It is an easy-to-use program. It provides a simple summary with a score to compare performance.

After you install NovaBench, run a quick test. It will check your computer’s performance and give scores for each hardware component. Save these scores for later.

The final score measures the memory, hard disk, processor, and graphics card.

1) First of all, then, to optimize the hard disk: Defragment to clean hard disk

Cleaning the hard disk means eliminating all unnecessary, obsolete, or temporary files.

I have already reported several Windows tools for this. They are all excellent and usable, depending on personal choice.

For example, I have listed programs like pc clean up and others. They are the best at cleaning the disk and deleting useless files.

I’ve also used two excellent programs: Wise Disk Cleaner and Moo0 Disk Cleaner. Don’t confuse the first with Wise Registry Cleaner. They have nice, easy-to-use interfaces.

Using the wizard, you will notice how much this software digs to clean up a hard disk.

From the list, you can choose which files to delete. But the default settings are safest. They avoid deleting anything important.

You could also use Windows Disk Cleanup. Which only deletes temporary files.

2) To uninstall programs that are no longer used,

Use programs like Revo Uninstaller. They will completely remove any installed app.

The standard removal of Windows always leaves something. Some orphaned files or registry keys with dead references. So, do not rely on the internal Windows Installer.

3) After freeing up the hard disk of useless data,

It’s time to defragment.

A common cause of slow PC performance is a fragmented hard drive. It increases file upload times.

As mentioned in the article on the best disk defraggers, I want to say that the Windows defrag utility is poor. It is the built-in one you start by right-clicking the defragment to clean hard disk in My Computer.

It does not do an intelligent and complete defragmentation.

The most valid program to defragment a hard disk is surely PerfectDisk, which is, however, paid software.

The best free defragmenter for me is Auslogics Disk Defrag. It’s a free program that defragments and optimizes a hard disk.

Unlogic Disk Defrag automates defragmentation. It runs a weekly or monthly schedule.

From the program menu, very simple, you can do a risk analysis and you can choose whether to defragment and optimize the hard disk.

Alternatively, Ultimate Defrag is a top utility. It fully defragments the hard drive in an “intelligent” way. It moves the most used files for faster access. From the Tools – Options menu, you must check the Automatic option in the “High Performance” tab. You

can change the percent of the most-used data on the fastest hard disk sectors.

To defragment, press the Start button. Then, follow the moving graphic.

Other good programs to defragment to clean hard disk are:

  • Disk Speed Up (by GlarySoft)
  • Defragged (from the makers of Cleaners)
  • Smart Defrag (by IObit)
  • Puran Defrag

All are reliable defragmenters. They can plan and optimize disk operations.

4) To clean up the automatic start

Menu and remove programs from the Windows start-up. You can refer to the article on how to disable programs that start with Windows.

Bonus: You can use a program to defragment the disk and clean it of obsolete files. Install FixBee, free for Windows.

During installation, select Custom to avoid unwanted software.

The program has a clear wizard. It starts with defragmentation and error checking of the hard disk. It ends with a cleanup.

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Final results

After these operations, especially the disk cleanup and defrag, performance should improve.

Rerun NovaBench. You should see an increase in your computer’s power score.

But, these optimizations are not just for slow computers. They are preventive maintenance. You should do them regularly to keep your PC like new.

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